Atlanta Braves Stadium TDM Service
Cobb County Department of Transportation (CCDOT)
Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
In 2015, the Atlanta Braves announced that they would be building and moving to a new sports and entertainment facility at the intersection of I-75 and I-285, one of metropolitan Atlanta’s most congested and fastest growing employment and residential centers. This announcement, coupled with planned road construction, raised concerns over the potential traffic congestion impacts in the area. The CCDOT engaged AECOM to strengthen the region’s existing travel demand management services by providing 15 months of proactive, in-depth Travel Demand Management (TDM) services, including educational outreach to employers, commuters and stakeholders in the region.

Baton Rouge Commuter Krewe Program
Capital Region Planning Commission
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.
The Commuter Krewe Program provides commuting solutions that are designed to meet the specific needs of employees working in the Greater Baton Rouge area in Louisiana. The program was recognized in 2019 by Louisiana Clean Fuels for its efforts to reduce vehicle miles traveled and emissions in the region.
Our team is providing services to establish and develop a travel demand management program. We work with area employers to plan, promote and implement the use of greener transportation options and teleworking alternatives that help achieve triple-bottom-line benefits. The initiative also involved several technical studies, including market analyses and micro-segmentation, a vanpool feasibility study and a High-Occupancy-Toll lane analysis. This demonstration project is continuing to operate by the Capital Region Planning Commission.

Club Ride Commuter Services
Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.
Club Ride Commuter Services in Clark County is a free program from the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC). Designed to improve air quality, reduce traffic congestion and encourage the use of commute alternatives, Club Ride works with local employers and commuters to establish custom commute programs. It also offers incentives to encourage commuters to try new modes for commuting to work.
Since 2008, AECOM has been providing services in support of improvements to Club Ride, including management of program operations, community outreach and marketing activities. Services also include technology advances like the development of the Club Ride app and the kiosk device used for reporting commutes. The program has been recognized with multiple awards including the Clean Air Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Marketing and Outreach Awards from the Association for Commuter Transportation.

Commute PA
Susquehanna Regional Transportation Partnership
Pennsylvania, U.S.
Commute PA is a free, worksite-based program to help commuters shift from single occupancy vehicles to alternative modes of transportation. Its mission is to educate commuters and implement innovative travel demand management programs that promote commuting options to reduce congestion, conserve natural resources, foster a cleaner environment, and improve safety and mobility at a regional level.
It was created by the Susquehanna Regional Transportation Partnership (SRTP) which is made up of regional transit agencies, chambers of commerce and metropolitan planning organizations from a nine-county area; and funded by Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds.
We are providing TDM services in support of this program that presents viable transportation alternatives such as carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling, walking, telecommuting and transit to over 350 employer and community organizations. Commuters also have free access to a rideshare program that facilitates carpool matching, provides an emergency ride home program, and offers rewards and incentives for traveling via green modes. Our team developed a website, implemented a toll-free customer service call line and established a ride-matching database.

Commuter Services of Southwest Florida
Florida Department of Transportation
Florida, U.S.
Commuter Services of Southwest Florida is a program of the Florida Department of Transportation, District 1, serving travelers who live or work in the 12-county region of Southwest Florida. The program works with businesses to help employees find a better way to get to work, rather than driving alone. It engages local governments and transportation partners to help build better communities that offer a wider range of transportation choices.
AECOM provided travel demand management services to support the program in providing commuters, employers and other stakeholders with alternate travel options. Our work included providing turnkey solutions to assist with program development and on-site events, marketing tools and incentive programs.

Connecticut Department of Transportation
Statewide, Connecticut, U.S.
Passenger rail service in Connecticut is supported by the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) and consists of three main lines; the New Haven Line operated by Metro-North Railroad, and CTrail’s Shore Line East and Hartford Lines.
Since 2018, our team has been providing strategic planning and analysis of the Connecticut Rail System for the CTDOT’s Office of Rails to support its efforts to develop strategies for improvements to the New Haven Line and its connectivity within the region. This work has included investigation of potential new rail yard locations, equipment and travel time/frequency of service improvements on the New Haven Line, and the conduct of comprehensive market research for CTrail services.
In addition to these services, our TDM professionals manage the customer service, communications, marketing, public relations and IT support on all state-owned commuter rail services under the CTrail umbrella. This includes operating a 24/7 multi-lingual call center, the development and operation of a real-time service alert system for customers and managing the CTrail brand through multiple websites and social media outlets.

Connecticut Department of Transportation
Statewide, Connecticut, U.S.
CTrides is a statewide initiative to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality and foster a culture that embraces sustainable transportation modes to combat climate change. Since 2011, AECOM has operated the program on behalf of CTDOT. The program comprises several areas of expertise, including outreach and engagement, marketing and communications, customer support and technology solutions.
CTrides continues to be one of the leading TDM programs in the country and has pioneered several science-based approaches to analyze and change behavior through Behavioral Economics and data analytics. These approaches have increased engagement levels for organizations and individuals, leading to a greater mode shift. The Association for Commuter Transportation recognized the program’s work with Behavioral Economics with a National Excellence in Research Award at their international conference.

Delaware Commute Solutions
DART First State
Statewide, Delaware, U.S.
As the prime consultant on this program funded primarily by CMAQ dollars, AECOM is responsible for helping employers and colleges create tailored TDM programs for commuters and students throughout Delaware. The Delaware Commute Solutions (DECS) Program provides employer-driven worksite-based outreach, PR and media engagement, Guaranteed Ride Home program, a comprehensive trip planner and rewards system and general community outreach support for the transit agency.
The program retains relationships with 200+ worksite partners and 25 community partners. The Get a Job/Get a Ride program managed by the DECS team, allows Delaware businesses to provide a free 30-day bus pass to new employees. AECOM led the effort to fully rebrand the program to coincide with the major Delaware Department of Transportation’s I-95 Corridor Rehabilitation project that has long-term travel impacts for commuters.

Georgia Commute Options (GCO)
Georgia Department of Transportation
Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
AECOM has long been involved in metro Atlanta’s TDM efforts. Most recently, AECOM led the outreach and education efforts for Georgia Commute Options (GCO) to drive employer and commuter engagement in the 20-county metro Atlanta region. The employer outreach services component of the program featured a team of TDM professionals providing consulting services to the region’s largest employers through a data-driven and structured approach that involved worksite assessments, program implementation plans and employee surveying. Outreach team members also identified opportunities to provide customized program development and had a team of TDM specialists to support implementation for programs ranging from telework to tax benefits, first/last mile strategies and parking solutions, among others.
AECOM developed and implemented supporting services that included a series of annual modal promotions, such as Biketober, the implementation and launch of the Million Air Challenge and an employer workshop series to educate employer participants through in-person and web-based seminars.

Georgia Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program
Georgia Department of Transportation
Statewide, Georgia, U.S.
The Georgia Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) program that empowers communities to make walking and bicycling to school a safe and routine activity. Introduced in 2009, the Georgia SRTS Resource Center has regionally-based SRTS coordinators and a knowledgeable support team that provide direct assistance to more than 520 schools in 80 counties and 94 school districts across the state. Services include program planning, community engagement, education, encouragement, evaluation and other related SRTS activities.
AECOM’s team coordinates and collaborates with GDOT and a network of community stakeholders to provide comprehensive program services including:
- School and community-based partnership programs
- Technical assistance with program design, implementation, engagement and evaluation
- School-focused Road Safety Audits, school route assessments, observations and data collection and analysis
- Pedestrian and bicycle safety education and training for children and drivers
- Events and encouragement activities for students, parents and the community.

Maine Department of Transportation in partnership with the Maine Turnpike Authority
Statewide, Maine, U.S.
GO MAINE is the free statewide transportation demand management program dedicated to encouraging the use of green transportation, increasing mobility for all Mainers but especially those in rural areas, improving air quality and lowering vehicle emissions. Since October 2021, AECOM has been managing the GO MAINE program on behalf of the Maine Department of Transportation in partnership with the Maine Turnpike Authority. GO MAINE was named as a key transportation strategy in the State of Maine’s Climate Action Plan, Maine Won’t Wait, to help reduce VMT.
Our AECOM TDM professionals provide comprehensive program services including:
- Providing personalized transportation solutions and outreach events to employers and community stakeholders highlighting carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling, walking, transit, and telecommuting
- Promoting the GO MAINE rideshare program website and mobile app that provides people transportation options not only to and from work but also for single trips and destinations
- Conducting all GO MAINE customer service through use of a dedicated toll-free phone number and program email
- Managing the Emergency Ride Home program providing GO MAINE members who take an eligible trip type a free ride in case of an emergency or unscheduled overtime
- Planning and executing Way 2 GO MAINE, the bi-annual statewide commuter challenge

Green Square TDM Strategy and Implementation Program
Transport for NSW and the City of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
The Green Square TDM Strategy and Implementation Program project was a pilot project for tackling congestion and crowding in a rapidly growing urban renewal precinct in Sydney. AECOM collaborated closely with Transport for NSW and City of Sydney, and followed the triple diamond design process model to research, design and embed evaluative thinking in the Travel Demand Management (TDM) Strategy.
The AECOM team undertook a significant amount of movement data analysis and technical stakeholder engagement to understand the congestion and crowding problem and to identify TDM opportunities by customer group. This data was then utilised in conjunction with theory of behaviour change models to define target customer groups, desirable behaviours and corresponding initiatives for implementation. This approach allowed the AECOM team to develop a responsive and flexible TDM Strategy to respond to the changing context and travel patterns of Greater Sydney due to the pandemic and significant weather events.
The TDM Strategy outlined a suite of multi-modal initiatives for delivery within the Green Square study area. AECOM were then responsible for coordinating and advising on the implementation of the TDM Strategy to target existing behaviours and shift to desirable behaviours relating to active transport use; a pivot to respond to the recent COVID outbreak. As part of this, AECOM oversaw the rollout of targeted cycling initiatives with the City of Sydney and the monitoring and evaluation of the project.

Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Transport Strategy
Epping Forest District Council, U.K.
AECOM developed the transport strategy for the garden town of Harlow and Gilston, to support delivery of up to 23,000 new homes. This was developed in line with relevant spatial plans, and regional and national policy. A challenging objective of the strategy is to realize 60% of journeys by sustainable modes. A core element of the strategy involved identification of an active travel corridor network and delivery strategy to achieve the 60% target.
A key achievement of AECOM’s involvement was gaining cross-boundary consensus to the strategy through close working with planning and highways officers from Hertfordshire, Essex, and Epping Forest authorities.

Leicestershire Local Sustainable Transport Fund
Leicestershire, U.K.
AECOM delivered Personal Travel Planning (PTP) to 20,000 households in Loughborough and 14,500 households in Coalville on behalf of LCC. The work in Loughborough commenced with a pilot project targeting 4,000 households in Outwoods and Dishley in 2011. Following the pilot, the project received funding to allow it to carry forward PTP across both Loughborough and Coalville as part of the “Choose How You Move (CHYM)” project initiative. The PTP programs developed marketing materials and delivered “travel clinic” events at a variety of resident-targeted venues. The project reduced car driver mode share of up to 22% for trips to work amongst participants. It won the ‘Sustainability’ category at the Chartered Institute of Highways & Transportation’s Annual Awards 2014. Ancillary PTP projects included:
- Milton Keynes Better Bus Area Fund – Outreach to 51,000 households
- Leicester City – Tailored travel information packs to a study area of 2,100 households with a 17% travel behavior shift
- Nottinghamshire Personal Travel Planning – Targeting 12,000 households resulting in a 14% travel shift for trips to work and an 8% shift in shopping trips
- Personal Travel Planning, Hinckley – Outreach to 10,000 households with a 14% travel behavior change to sustainable options
- Personal Travel Planning, North West Leicester – Residential travel planning to 7,700 households aimed at reducing car use for short journeys (24% participation in County; 31% in City)

Massachusetts Safe Routes to School
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Statewide, Massachusetts, U.S.
AECOM has managed the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School program since 2005 with the goal of engaging communities statewide in active transportation through educational activities. The program also improves safety for young pedestrians and bicyclists through infrastructure enhancements. MA SRTS features an active school-based partnership program that provides direct and tailored technical assistance for program, design and implementation, along with safety training and education activities for students, parents and community members. In 2023, MA SRTS surpassed an exciting milestone of collaborating with more than 1,000 partner K-8 schools in more than 230 communities statewide, bringing programs and services to over 500,000 students.
The AECOM team provides SRTS partners with bike/ped safety education instruction, engagement initiatives tailored to each school’s priorities and technical assistance for infrastructure improvements to enhance accessibility and safety. Program operations include the “Signs and Lines” initiative, an infrastructure grant for communities supporting improvements such as pavement markings or roadway signage; and the “Safe Streets – Smart Trips” high school video contest that supports the Commonwealth’s Vision Zero initiative.

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Statewide, Massachusetts, U.S.
From 2004-2019, our team managed the statewide travel demand management program known as MassRIDES, a free program designed to help reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality and mobility. The program included trip planning, mode tracking, rideshare matching, an Emergency Ride Home program, employer/commuter surveys and commuter incentives. The program boasted over 400 employer partners and 40,000 commuters registered in the BayStateCommute ridematching and tracking applications.

Milton Keynes Mobility Strategy 2018-2036
Milton Keynes Council
Milton Keynes, U.K.
Milton Keynes is a dynamic city in the U.K. that is expected to grow from its 2015 population of 260,000 to 400,000 people by 2050. The Milton Keynes Council needed a plan to enable and support resilient, sustainable mobility within this changing context and engaged AECOM to develop their Mobility Strategy 2018-2036.
Our early tasks involved an extensive review of the existing evidence base, including all relevant policies, and growth strategies and conducting a technical review of the Milton Keynes Multimodal Model to understand current and future transport conditions. A comprehensive and holistic approach to multimodal mobility, and a phased delivery plan with different future-year scenarios were developed to support current economic and population growth, while also enabling funding of future innovative mobility solutions.
Early stakeholder engagement involved a workshop facilitated by our Social and Market Research team to collect the evidence needed to fully understand all the issues and inform development of the strategy. It also reassured stakeholders that their input was shaping the strategy. The resulting 13-page Mobility Strategy was adopted by the Council in March 2018 without amendment and was accompanied by 101 pages of technical evidence base documents.

reThink Your Commute
Florida Department of Transportation
Florida, U.S.
AECOM provides outreach services for the Florida Department of Transportation’s District 5 Commuter Assistance program, reThink Your Commute. This program aims to connect Central Florida commuters with alternatives to driving alone and thereby decrease traffic congestion, improve air quality, conserve natural resources and help people save money. AECOM was tasked with leading worksite-based outreach efforts for reThink Your Commute, building and maintaining partnerships with employer partners within the nine-county area of District 5 (Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Marion, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Sumter and Volusia Counties).
AECOM assists employers with the development, promotion, and implementation of worksite-specific commuter option programs that decrease drive-alone travel among employees. AECOM’s activities are aimed at improving business operations, increasing non-drive-alone mode use and implementing the reThink program such that businesses and employees can enjoy the shared benefits of carpooling, vanpooling, transit, biking, walking and telecommuting.

San Joaquin Valley Pollution Control District eTRIP Preparation and Site Support
United States Postal Service
San Joaquin, California, U.S.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) Stockton Main Post Office engaged our team to set up a TDM Program as a result of its exceedance of the applicability threshold for the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (APCD) Rule 9410, Employer Trip Reduction Implementation Plan (eTRIP).
Our TDM professionals created a plan to comply with APCD’s eTrip requirements and successfully implement a program at the worksite. Worksite strategies included creation of a ridematching system, providing information on transit services available at the worksite, and specific recommendations for collaboration with the City and the local transit agency to improve employee transportation options.

Sellar’s Bridge Residential Travel Plan Implementation
Gloucestershire County Council
Gloucester, U.K.
AECOM was commissioned by Gloucestershire County Council in October 2014 to implement and manage a residential Travel Plan associated with the new residential development at Sellar’s Bridge, in the Hardwicke area of Gloucester. Outreach included neighborhood events to engage with residents and provide incentives for alternative modes of travel.

South Carolina Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Resource Center
South Carolina Department of Transportation Statewide
South Carolina, U.S.
The South Carolina Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Resource Center was a federally funded project of the South Carolina Department of Transportation. The program assisted schools and communities with the planning, development and implementation of SRTS projects and activities. The Resource Center provided technical assistance, resources and program support to 425 schools in more than 115 cities.
A comprehensive approach to SRTS led to improved pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, implementation of walking and bicycling policies at schools and in school districts and regularly scheduled walk/bike events. Under AECOM’s management, SC SRTS ranked first in the country for the percentage of schools with registered events for International Walk to School Day.

Stanford Monitoring
County of Santa Clara
Stanford, California, U.S.
The County of Santa Clara has selected our TDM team to monitor the effectiveness of Stanford University’s TDM Program through monitoring traffic flows around the campus under its 2000 General Use Permit. This includes consideration for how to improve the ongoing effectiveness of the program and evaluation of the appropriateness of proposed improvements

Strategic Plan for 511 Contra Costa
Contra Costa County Transportation Authority
Contra Costa County, California, U.S.
The Contra Costa County Transportation Authority (CCTA) is a proven leader in the development and implementation of TDM programs through its 511 Contra Costa Program. CCTA contracted with AECOM to conduct a complete evaluation of its 511 Contra Costa program to optimize the program’s efficiency and effectiveness.
Our team evaluated existing programs and services, explored industry best practices, researched emerging project and programs from around the world, and provided a viable service delivery model. We reviewed all elements of the program and considered emerging technologies to determine their applicability to Contra Costa County and how they might be leveraged to improve the program. The outcome was a specific, concrete and implementable recommendations for program improvements.

TBARTA Commuter Services Program
Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority (TBARTA)
Tampa Bay, Florida, U.S.
Commuter Tampa Bay is a commuter services program operated by the Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority to support employers and commuters in finding alternatives to single occupancy vehicle travel such as transit, cycling, telework and carpooling.
Our Travel Demand Management team was retained to develop a strategy to engage employers in the program. This included targeted outreach and marketing campaigns to promote the program and encourage employer participation. Our professionals developed relationships with more than 15 new employer partners and held numerous worksite events in downtown Tampa and St. Petersburg, both identified as priority activity centers.
Our services also included planning, promoting and executing targeted worksite-based outreach activities with existing TBARTA Commuter Services partners, as well as soliciting direct and in-kind donations from vendors to support commuter-oriented events.

TDM Program Management
City College of San Francisco
San Francisco, California, U.S.
City College of San Francisco (CCSF) is an urban community college serving approximately 70,000 students annually at several centers and sites throughout San Francisco. In 2019, CCSF produced a Facilities Master Plan which provides a plan for facilities development to support the goals and strategies of the City College’s Education Master Plan. These changes necessitated a proactive management of parking and transportation facilities. CCSF is implementing a suite of TDM measures and parking management strategies.

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT)
Statewide, Virginia, U.S.
AECOM provided an array of services to DRPT, including managing and delivering services of the Telework!VA program. AECOM’s management of the program included outreach and technical assistance to Virginia employers, expert management and employee training and the development of marketing strategies and resources. Additional services included geofenced targeted marketing, survey design, program monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Other AECOM projects for DRPT include support of the Commute!VA program, which incentivizes commuters to use cleaner transportation options and the development of an expansion plan for vanpooling in several metropolitan areas for the Vanpool!VA program. AECOM is honored to be part of the Telework!VA team, which won the 2020 Innovative Transportation Solutions Award from WTS International’s Central Virginia chapter.

Thinktravel Workplace Engagement Program
Gloucestershire County Council
Gloucestershire, U.K.
Thinktravel is a Gloucestershire County Council initiative that provides information on sustainable transportation modes to the county’s residents, businesses and visitors. Messaging focuses on the benefits of lower carbon travel such as reduced emissions, improved health and cost savings.
AECOM was retained to develop this sustainable travel workplace engagement program which initially involved contacting over 200 workplaces to explain sustainable travel options and the associated benefits to their business—in particular improved access, decreased business travel, reduced carbon emissions and overall cost savings. Our staff also developed a targeted action plan and provided coaching as part of the free mentoring and promotional resources offered to businesses participating in the ThinkTravel program,
The program’s challenging six-month delivery schedule was met with an approach that featured an expert team and a robust methodology built on the experience gained through successful delivery of similar programs for Singapore Travel Smart, Transport for Greater Manchester, Transport for West Midlands (formerly Centro), North East Combined Authority, Highways England and Chester West & Cheshire.

Vermont’s Safe Routes to School Resource Center
Vermont Agency of Transportation
Vermont, U.S.
Vermont’s Safe Routes to School Resource Center, an initiative from the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans), established healthy travel options for elementary and middle school communities. Our TDM team supported VTrans with implementation, marketing, community outreach and other TDM services. The Safe Routes to School Center offers free resources to help elementary and middle schools create opportunities for children to safely walk and bicycle to school. These include:
- school and community-based partnership programs;
- program design and implementation assistance;
- pedestrian and bicycle safety education and training;
- encouragement and educational activities for students, parents and the community; and
- school safety assessments with infrastructure evaluation.
Participating schools use the 5 E’s—education, encouragement, engineering, enforcement, and evaluation strategies—to make it safe, easy and fun for students and their families to walk and bike to school.